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Your pregnancy at Week 12

Highlights: #

Your Baby at Week 12 #

The big move
Baby's intestines have completed their move back into the abdomen after infringing on umbilical cord space.

Future grandparent?
The pituitary gland at the base of the brain has started producing hormones, indicating your baby could have children of their own one day.

Germ fighter
Your baby's bone marrow is now producing white blood cells, helping them fight off germs.

Your Body at Week 12 #

The end of some pregnancy symptoms
Your uterus is moving from the bottom of your pelvis to the abdomen, potentially reducing the constant urge to urinate and other early pregnancy symptoms.

How Big Are 12-Week Bumps?
Your baby bump may be more pronounced at 12 weeks, but it can vary widely among women. Embrace looser or stretchy clothes until you're ready for maternity wear.

Dizzy spells
Progesterone causes lower blood pressure and reduced blood flow, leading to dizziness, especially when getting up quickly.

Low sex drive
Hormones and pregnancy symptoms can affect sex drive differently for each woman, but it's normal to experience fluctuations.

Pregnancy Symptoms in Week 12 #

Increased sense of smell
Your heightened sense of smell may make you more sensitive to certain odors. Try sniffing a lemon wedge to quell queasiness.

Fewer frequent bathroom trips
The constant urge to urinate may start to wane as you enter the second trimester.

Occasional headaches
Eat regularly to avoid low blood sugar, which can trigger headaches. Acetaminophen is generally safe during pregnancy, but check with your medical practitioner first.

Building the placenta during the first trimester can lead to fatigue. Rest whenever needed and take advantage of opportunities to sleep.

Bloating and gas
Eat slowly to decrease bloating caused by swallowing air during meals.

Excessive saliva
This symptom is likely to go away as you head into your second trimester. Chewing sugarless gum or using mouthwash can help minimize discomfort.

Things to Take Care in Week 12 #

Get your flu shot
The CDC recommends that all pregnant women get the flu shot during flu season.

Embrace loose styles
As your uterus grows, consider looser or stretchy clothes for comfort until you're ready for maternity wear.

Start doing Kegels
Pelvic floor exercises can ease pregnancy symptoms and contribute to a faster post-birth recovery.

Steer clear of alcohol
Avoid alcohol entirely during pregnancy to prevent birth defects and complications.

Rethink hair removal
Be cautious when shaving as your pregnancy progresses, and consider safer alternatives like waxing or sugaring.

Stay hydrated
Ensure you stay hydrated by drinking an extra glass of liquid for every half hour of activity.

Know which foods to avoid
Avoid soft cheeses made with unpasteurized milk to prevent exposure to harmful pathogens.

FAQs #

Question: Can I get the flu shot while pregnant?
Answer: Yes, all pregnant women are recommended to get the flu shot during flu season.

Question: Is it normal not to have a visible baby bump at 12 weeks?
Answer: Yes, baby bumps can vary widely among women, and it's completely normal not to have a visibly pronounced bump at 12 weeks.

Question: Why am I feeling dizzy during pregnancy?
Answer: Dizziness during pregnancy can be caused by lower blood pressure and reduced blood flow, which are influenced by hormonal changes.

Question: How can I deal with a decreased sex drive during pregnancy?
Answer: Hormones and pregnancy symptoms can affect sex drive differently for each woman. Stay connected with your partner, and remember that fluctuations in sex drive are normal during pregnancy.

Question: Is it safe to take acetaminophen for occasional headaches during pregnancy?
Answer: Acetaminophen is generally considered safe during pregnancy, but it's essential to check with your medical practitioner before taking any medication.