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Your pregnancy at Week 22

Highlights: #

Your Baby at Week 22 #

The flashlight test
Your baby's eyelids are still sealed shut, but they can perceive light and dark. Shine a flashlight on your tummy to see if your baby responds.

Learning to grab
Your baby's nervous system is sharpening their senses, and their little fingers are learning to grab objects like their ears, nose, and umbilical cord.

Baby's grip, vision, and hearing are getting stronger
Your baby's grip is now quite strong, and they can perceive light and dark with their fused eyelids. They can also hear sounds from inside your body, like your heartbeat and breathing.

Your Body at Week 22 #

Foot growth
At 22 weeks pregnant, your uterus is about an inch above your belly button, and your feet may also increase in size due to pregnancy swelling and the hormone relaxin.

Coping with tummy touchers
You may encounter people who want to touch your belly. If you're uncomfortable with it, you can gently but firmly tell them how you feel or subtly dodge their attempts.

Pregnancy Symptoms in Week 22 #

Heartburn or indigestion
It's normal to have an increased appetite during pregnancy, but try to stock healthy snacks like fruits, veggies, nuts, and whole wheat crackers.

Pressure from your growing uterus may lead to constipation. Exercise regularly to encourage bowel movements.

Faintness or dizziness
Your expanding uterus can reduce blood flow to your brain, causing light-headedness. Stay hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water a day.

Leg cramps
Leg cramps may be caused by a shortage of calcium or magnesium. Take your prenatal vitamin daily to reduce the frequency of cramps.

Stretch marks
Moisturize your body to ease dryness and itchiness associated with stretch marks.

Protruding navel
Your belly button may protrude during pregnancy, but it will revert to an innie after delivery.

Things to Take Care in Week 22 #

Practice makes perfect
If you feel irregular, painless, squeezing sensations in your abdomen, it may be Braxton Hicks contractions. They are a dress rehearsal for labor, but they are not efficient enough to push your baby out.

Ask about an fFN screening
At risk for preterm labor? Your doctor may do a fetal fibronectin (fFN) test to assess your risk.

Magnesium is your friend
Magnesium helps stimulate enzyme function, regulate insulin, and control blood sugar levels. Ensure you're getting enough from your diet and prenatal vitamin.

Fit in a workout
Working out during pregnancy has benefits for both you and your baby, including potential improvements in your baby's general intelligence.

Save on healthy foods
Store brands and no-frills products are often as nutritious as bigger brands. Check the labels and enjoy the savings.

Skip the fillers
Avoid Botox and injectable line fillers during pregnancy, as their safety hasn't been established through studies.

Take a breath
Learn soothing relaxation techniques to cope with pregnancy worries and prepare for the challenges of being a new mom. Yoga and simple relaxation exercises can be helpful.

FAQs #

Question: What developments can I expect in my baby at 22 weeks?
Answer: At 22 weeks, your baby's grip, vision, and hearing are getting stronger. They can perceive light and dark, their grip is quite strong, and they can hear sounds from inside your body, such as your heartbeat and breathing. Their little fingers are also learning to grab objects.

Question: How can I check my baby's response to light?

Answer: You can perform the flashlight test by shining a flashlight on your tummy to see if your baby responds. Keep in mind that their eyelids are still sealed shut, but they can perceive light and dark.

Question: How will my body change at 22 weeks pregnant?
Answer: At 22 weeks, your uterus will be about an inch above your belly button, and you may experience foot growth due to pregnancy swelling and the hormone relaxin.

Question: How can I cope with people wanting to touch my belly during pregnancy?

Answer: If you are uncomfortable with others touching your belly, you can gently but firmly tell them how you feel or subtly dodge their attempts.

Question: What are some common pregnancy symptoms at 22 weeks?
Answer: Common symptoms at 22 weeks may include heartburn or indigestion, constipation, faintness or dizziness, leg cramps, stretch marks, and a protruding navel.

Question: How can I manage heartburn or indigestion during pregnancy?

Answer: Stocking healthy snacks like fruits, veggies, nuts, and whole wheat crackers can help manage heartburn or indigestion, especially if you have an increased appetite during pregnancy.

Question: What can I do to reduce the frequency of leg cramps?

Answer: Taking your prenatal vitamin daily can help reduce the frequency of leg cramps, as they may be caused by a shortage of calcium or magnesium.

Question: What should I know about Braxton Hicks contractions?
Answer: If you feel irregular, painless, squeezing sensations in your abdomen, it may be Braxton Hicks contractions. They are a dress rehearsal for labor, but they are not efficient enough to push your baby out.

Question: Should I exercise during pregnancy?

Answer: Yes, working out during pregnancy has benefits for both you and your baby, including potential improvements in your baby's general intelligence.

Question: What are some tips for coping with pregnancy worries?

Answer: Learning soothing relaxation techniques, such as yoga and simple relaxation exercises, can be helpful in coping with pregnancy worries and preparing for the challenges of being a new mom.