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Your pregnancy at Week 7

Highlights: #

Your Baby at Week 7 #

Baby's lifeline
The umbilical cord is now connecting your baby to the placenta, delivering oxygen, nutrients, and eliminating waste into your bloodstream.

The mucus plug develops
Your mucus plug forms and settles into the opening of your cervix, sealing and protecting your womb from bacteria.

Webbed hands and feet
Your baby-to-be has developed web-like hand and feet stubs, which will eventually grow into fingers and toes.

Your Body at Week 7 #

Swollen breasts
Your breasts may have grown a full cup size and become tender, tingly, and achy due to pregnancy hormones. The areola has darkened and enlarged, and you may notice little bumps called Montgomery's tubercles.

Coping with food aversions
Pregnancy food aversions are common. Cater to your new tastes, keep meals bland, find substitutes for foods you have an aversion to, and rejoice if you avoid foods that should be avoided during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Symptoms in Week 7 #

Frequent urination
Increased blood flow to the pelvic area, courtesy of the pregnancy hormone hCG, may lead to frequent urination. Stay hydrated but consider reducing coffee intake as it is a diuretic.

Breast tenderness and changes
Breasts may appear veiny, larger, and more sensitive due to hormonal changes. Invest in a supportive bra to alleviate discomfort.

Manufacturing the placenta and hormonal changes can cause fatigue. Eating smaller, frequent meals can help maintain energy levels.

Food cravings and aversions
Food cravings are common, and it's okay to indulge in healthy choices. Resist cravings for foods that aren't safe during pregnancy and find suitable substitutes.

Heartburn and indigestion
Pregnancy-induced indigestion and heartburn may occur. Avoid triggers like spicy or fatty foods and seek pregnancy-safe remedies.

Excessive saliva
Increased saliva production may occur, but it should pass by the end of the first trimester.

Things to Take Care in Week 7 #

Know how much you've gained or lost
Weight gain during the first trimester is usually minimal. If experiencing morning sickness and not gaining weight, it's okay as long as appetite improves in the second trimester.

Cramping is usually normal
Abdominal cramps are common during the first trimester but consult the doctor if they are severe or accompanied by other symptoms.

Fruit is your friend
Fruits provide essential nutrients and aid in digestion. "Eat a rainbow" of fruit colors and focus on the inside for nutrients.

Know your workout no-no's
Avoid exercises on your back after the first trimester and movements that challenge balance or strain the abdomen.

Safely manage skin problems
Pregnancy hormones can cause various complexion complexities. Use gentle cleansers, exfoliate lightly, and moisturize to minimize breakouts.

Indulge healthy cravings
Satisfy healthy cravings and try to resist unhealthy ones. If craving non-food substances, contact your practitioner.

Cater to your aversions
If experiencing food aversions, cater to new tastes, keep meals bland, and find suitable substitutes.

FAQs #

Q: How much weight should I gain during the first trimester?
A: Women with a normal BMI will likely gain 2 to 4 pounds during the first trimester. Morning sickness may result in little to no weight gain.

Q: Are abdominal cramps normal during pregnancy?
A: Mild abdominal cramps are normal during the first trimester. However, contact the doctor if cramps are severe or accompanied by other symptoms.

Q: How can I manage excessive saliva during pregnancy?
A: Excessive saliva production should improve by the end of the first trimester. Chewing sugarless gum may help.

Q: What exercises should I avoid during pregnancy?
A: Avoid exercises on your back after the first trimester, holding your breath, jerky or twisting motions, and moves that challenge balance or strain the abdomen.

Q: Can I give in to my food cravings during pregnancy?
A: You can indulge in healthy cravings but try to resist unhealthy ones. If craving non-food substances, contact your practitioner as it may indicate a nutritional deficiency.