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Your pregnancy at Week 25

Highlights: #

Your Baby at Week 25 #

The startle reflex
Your baby's startle reflexes are developing, and you might notice hiccups as well.

Baby fat
Though still lean, your baby is slowly gaining weight and losing the wrinkly appearance.

Hair debut?
If your baby has hair, you may be able to see its texture at this stage.

Your Body at Week 25 #

Having a ball?
Your uterus has reached the size of a soccer ball, but you may experience discomfort due to hemorrhoids caused by increased blood flow and pressure.

Dental health
Good dental hygiene is linked to longer pregnancies, reducing the risk of gingivitis and periodontitis.

Pregnancy Symptoms in Week 25 #

Heartburn or indigestion
Stomach acids may cause heartburn or indigestion during pregnancy. Keep Tums or Rolaids on hand for relief.

Increased blood flow to mucus membranes in your nose can cause congestion and snoring. Severe snoring could indicate sleep apnea, so consult your practitioner.

Tingling hands (carpal tunnel)
Swelling from increased blood volume during pregnancy can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. Consider wrist braces or acupuncture for relief.

Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD)
Pain in the pelvic area may be SPD, caused by relaxed ligaments. Pelvic tilts and Kegels can help, and a support belt may provide relief.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS)
Tingling in the legs and a strong urge to move them may indicate RLS. Test for iron-deficiency anemia and keep a food journal to identify triggers.

Fast-growing hair
Pregnancy hormones can suppress daily hair loss, making your hair feel thicker and lustrous. After delivery, excess hair may shed.

Things to Take Care in Week 25 #

Play the baby name game
Consider various aspects of a baby name before finalizing it, such as initials, rhymes, and likely nicknames.

Slather on moisturizer
Due to stretching, skin irritation may occur. Apply moisturizer or calamine lotion to soothe itching.

Organize your kitchen
Equip your kitchen with time-saving tools like a microwave, slow cooker, blender, food processor, and toaster oven to ease meal preparation.

Feeling down? Talk to your doctor
Depression during pregnancy and postpartum depression are common. Seek help from your doctor if you experience symptoms like crying, irritability, and poor appetite.

Snack on healthy sweets
Opt for nutritious sweet snack ideas like carrot or oat bran muffins, apple wedges with peanut butter, and yogurt with walnuts and dried fruit.

Take note of eye symptoms
Hormones may affect your vision during pregnancy. Inform your practitioner about any eye-related changes.

Simplify your grocery list
Opt for small, convenient, and ready-to-nibble food items like single-serve packs of yogurt, mini packs of baby carrots, and small cans of tomato or vegetable juice.

FAQs #

Question: How big is my baby at 25 weeks?
Answer: At 25 weeks, your baby is about 13 inches long and weighs more than 1½ pounds, growing steadily and losing the wrinkly appearance.

Question: Is it normal to experience heartburn or indigestion during pregnancy?
Answer: Yes, it's normal to experience heartburn or indigestion during pregnancy. Stomach acids may cause discomfort, but you can use antacids like Tums or Rolaids for relief.

Question: What can I do about tingling hands (carpal tunnel) during pregnancy?
Answer: Increased blood volume can cause swelling that puts pressure on nerves in the wrists, leading to carpal tunnel syndrome. Consider wearing wrist braces or trying acupuncture for pain relief.

Question: How can I prevent hemorrhoids during pregnancy?
Answer: Hemorrhoids, swollen and itchy veins in the rectum, can be prevented by increasing fluid and fiber intake and eating fiber-rich foods. Avoid constipation and straining during bowel movements.

Question: What should I do if I experience symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) during pregnancy?
Answer: If you experience pain in the pelvic area due to SPD, perform pelvic tilts and Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles. Consider wearing a support belt for relief and consult your practitioner for a referral to a physical therapist if the pain is severe.

Question: Why am I snoring more during pregnancy?
Answer: Snoring is common during pregnancy due to increased blood flow to mucus membranes in the nose, causing congestion. However, severe snoring may indicate sleep apnea, so consult your practitioner if it interferes with your sleep.

Question: What can I do to alleviate restless legs syndrome (RLS) during pregnancy?
Answer: If you experience tingling in the legs and a strong urge to move them, try testing for iron-deficiency anemia as it may be linked to RLS. Keeping a food journal to identify triggers can also be helpful.

Question: How can good dental health affect my pregnancy?
Answer: Good dental hygiene is linked to longer pregnancies. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss regularly, and visit the dentist every six months to reduce the risk of gingivitis and periodontitis.

Question: Can I still use my microwave during pregnancy?
Answer: Yes, you can use your microwave during pregnancy to cook meals quickly. It's a convenient time-saving tool for busy moms-to-be.

Question: How can I handle skin irritation and itching during pregnancy?
Answer: Skin irritation is common during the fifth or sixth month of pregnancy due to stretching. You can soothe itching by slathering on moisturizer or using calamine lotion if needed.

Question: How can I make meal preparation easier during pregnancy?
Answer: Make meal preparation easier by equipping your kitchen with time-saving tools like a slow cooker, blender, food processor, and toaster oven. Frozen vegetables and fast-cooking cuts of meat can also help simplify cooking.

Question: What should I consider when choosing a baby name?
Answer: Before finalizing a baby name, consider the initials, potential rhymes, likely nicknames, and how the name flows. Ensure that it won't lead to awkward or teasing combinations.

Question: Is depression during pregnancy common?
Answer: Yes, depression during pregnancy and postpartum depression (PPD) are common. If you experience symptoms like crying, irritability, and poor appetite, seek help from your doctor.

Question: What are some healthy sweet snack ideas for pregnancy?
Answer: Healthy sweet snack ideas for pregnancy include carrot or oat bran muffins, apple wedges with peanut butter, yogurt with walnuts and dried fruit, and smoothies.

Question: Why are my eyes affected during pregnancy?
Answer: Pregnancy hormones can affect your vision, making it less sharp, and your contact lenses might be less comfortable to wear. Inform your practitioner about any eye-related changes.

Question: How can I simplify my grocery list during pregnancy?
Answer: Simplify your grocery list by opting for small, convenient, and ready-to-nibble food items like single-serve packs of yogurt, mini packs of baby carrots, and small cans of tomato or vegetable juice. Use frozen vegetables and fast-cooking cuts of meat for quick meals.