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Your pregnancy at Week 28

Highlights: #

Your Baby at Week 28 #

REM Sleep and Dreaming
Your baby begins to experience rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, indicating the possibility of dreaming.

Baby's Blinking
Your baby can now open and close their eyes, showcasing brand new fluttering eyelashes.

Making Faces
Fetuses often stick out their tongues at this stage, which could be related to tasting the amniotic fluid.

Your Body at Week 28 #

Sciatica (Tingling Leg Pain)
Entering the third trimester, you might experience discomfort due to pressure on the sciatic nerve caused by your baby's position.

Sensitive Skin
Hormonal changes during pregnancy can make your skin more sensitive to various substances, potentially causing reactions.

Pregnancy Symptoms in Week 28 #

Bloating and Gas
Growing uterus pressure on the rectum and a sluggish digestive system can lead to bloating and gas. Eating smaller, frequent meals can help.

Faintness or Dizziness
Pressure from the expanding belly on blood vessels can reduce blood flow to the brain, causing dizziness. Stay hydrated to promote blood circulation.

Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)
Relaxin hormone can make pelvic ligaments too relaxed, causing pelvic joint instability. A pelvic support belt might offer relief.

Stuffy Nose
Increased estrogen and progesterone levels can lead to swollen mucous membranes in the nose. Nasal strips can help with breathing.

Bleeding Gums
Hormonal changes can cause inflamed and irritated gums. Maintaining oral hygiene is essential to minimize bacteria buildup.

Mask of Pregnancy (Melasma)
Pregnancy hormones can lead to skin hyperpigmentation. Use sunscreen to protect from increased sun sensitivity.

Things to Take Care in Week 28 #

Have the Circumcision Talk
If you're having a baby boy, consider whether or not to circumcise and consult your pediatrician for advice.

Find Out Your Rh Status
Determine if you're Rh positive or Rh negative, as Rh incompatibility can lead to complications during pregnancy.

Ask About Breast Changes
Breast lumps can be common but should be checked by your provider. Tender lumps are typical in the third trimester.

Up Your Iron Intake
Increase iron-rich food consumption to support your baby's iron stores.

Schedule Your Tdap Vaccine
Get the Tdap vaccine to protect your baby from whooping cough.

Choosing a Childbirth Class
Research childbirth classes and choose one that suits your needs.

Schedule a Hospital Tour
Consider scheduling a tour of the hospital or birthing center where you'll give birth.

FAQs #

Question: Why am I experiencing bloating and gas?
Answer: Growing uterus pressure on the rectum and a sluggish digestive system can lead to bloating and gas.

Question: What can I do about dizziness during pregnancy?
Answer: Stay hydrated to promote blood circulation and prevent dizziness.

Question: How can I manage sensitive skin during pregnancy?
Answer: Hormonal changes can increase skin sensitivity. Use products with minimal additives and consult your practitioner for persistent issues.

Question: How can I handle breast lumps during pregnancy?
Answer: Breast lumps are common during pregnancy. Consult your provider for a breast exam to ensure they are not a cause for concern.

Question: What's the purpose of the Tdap vaccine during pregnancy?
Answer: The Tdap vaccine protects your baby from whooping cough and passes antibodies to provide protection until their own vaccination.