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Your pregnancy at Week 27

Highlights: #

Your Baby at Week 27 #

Baby's Hearing Development
While your baby can hear sounds, the ears are still covered in vernix caseosa, a protective waxy coating. This muffles the sounds that reach the baby's ears.

Baby's Hiccups
You might feel unusual movements in your belly, which could be hiccups. As the baby's lungs continue to develop, the chances of experiencing hiccups increase.

Active Baby
Your baby is becoming more active and developing muscle tone through kicking, rolling, and punching.

Your Body at Week 27 #

Swelling and Edema
As your uterus swells to the size of a basketball, you might experience swelling in the extremities due to increased blood flow and uterine pressure. This edema is normal but can be managed through elevation, hydration, and light exercise.

Soothe Heat Rash
Heat rash can occur due to increased body heat and friction, leading to itchy and red patches on the skin. Cool compresses and calamine lotion can provide relief.

Pregnancy Symptoms in Week 27 #

Faintness or Dizziness
Faintness or dizziness might occur, especially when standing up. Lie down and elevate your feet to alleviate these symptoms.

Bleeding Gums
Hormonal changes can cause swollen, inflamed, and bleeding gums. Maintain good oral hygiene to manage this symptom.

Itchy Belly
Dry and itchy skin on the stretched-out belly can be relieved with regular moisturizing and warm oatmeal baths.

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
Some women experience tingling and jittery sensations in their legs, especially when lying down. Consider relaxation techniques and consult your practitioner for management.

Round Ligament Pain
Growing pains around the middle can be due to the expanding tummy. Rest and change positions to alleviate discomfort.

Stuffy Nose
Swollen nasal passages can lead to a stuffy nose. Over-the-counter nasal sprays are usually off-limits, so consult your practitioner for recommendations.

Things to Take Care in Week 27 #

Combat Eye Puffiness
Manage under-eye puffiness by getting enough rest, staying hydrated, and using cool compresses.

Research Car Seats
Ensure you have an infant car seat before leaving the hospital with your newborn. Research and choose a safe option that meets recent standards.

Choose the Best Salmon
Opt for wild or organically raised farmed salmon to get beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. Ensure thorough cooking to eliminate chemicals.

Look into Infant CPR
Sign up for an infant CPR class to be prepared for emergencies, even if they're unlikely.

Check Your Heart Rate During Workouts
Monitor your heart rate while exercising to ensure a safe intensity level for you and your baby.

Keep a Food Journal
If experiencing restless leg syndrome, keep a food journal to identify foods that may trigger symptoms.

Fight Bloat
Manage bloating by choosing less gassy foods, drinking water, and having smaller meals.

FAQs #

Question: How can I alleviate swelling and edema in my extremities?
Answer: Elevating your feet, staying hydrated, and engaging in light exercise can help manage swelling and edema.

Question: What can I do about itchy skin on my belly?
Answer: Regular moisturizing and warm oatmeal baths can help relieve itching.

Question: Why am I experiencing dizziness during pregnancy?
Answer: Dizziness is a common symptom during pregnancy, and lying down with elevated feet can help alleviate it.

Question: What can I do about bleeding gums?
Answer: Practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly to manage bleeding gums.

Question: How can I manage under-eye puffiness?
Answer: Get enough rest, stay hydrated, and use cool compresses to manage under-eye puffiness.