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Your pregnancy at Week 3

Highlights: #

Your Baby at Week 3 #

Baby on board!
We have an embryo! Your soon-to-be fetus is still a cluster of cells that are growing and multiplying. It’s about the size of a pinhead.

The journey begins
It takes about four days for your fertilized egg — now dubbed a blastocyst — to reach your uterus and another two to three days to implant.

Boy or girl?
You probably won’t know if you’re having a baby boy or girl for about 14 more weeks, but sex is determined at the moment of fertilization.

Your Body at Week 3 #

The corpus luteum and pregnancy hormones
For now, it will seem like nothing is happening on the outside — but only for the next couple of weeks. The corpus luteum starts to produce progesterone and some estrogen, enough of both pregnancy hormones to nourish and support the future baby until the placenta takes over in about 10 weeks.

Pregnancy and sense of smell
A heightened sense of smell is a very real side effect of pregnancy caused by hormones such as estrogen and hCG, which magnify every little fragrance wafting in the air around you.

Pregnancy Symptoms in Week 3 #

Lower abdominal pressure
A feeling of pressure in your tummy or even mild cramping without bleeding is very common, especially in first pregnancies. It's usually a sign that everything is going right and not that something's wrong.

Metallic taste
A metallic taste in your mouth is frequently a side effect of pregnancy and can be attributed to the hormones wreaking havoc on your system.

Things to Take Care in Week 3 #

Up your iron and vitamin C
Toss some berries in your cereal to increase your body's absorption of iron, which is essential for supporting increased blood volume.

Hold off on hair coloring
Wait until your second trimester to get a hair color touch-up, and consider gentler coloring options with ammonia-free bases.

Try to opt for healthy when eating out
Choose healthy options when eating out or ordering takeout to ensure you and your baby get the necessary nutrients.

Time to take a pregnancy test?
Modern pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy earlier, but it's still recommended to wait until you miss your period for more accurate results.

Choose calcium-rich foods
Consume enough calcium to support your baby's bone development and maintain your own bone health.

Replenish your fluids when you’re queasy
If experiencing morning sickness or queasiness, focus on staying hydrated with fluids like water, diluted juice, or clear broth.

Get plenty of protein
Eat three servings of protein daily to support new tissue development for your baby.

FAQs #

Q: When will I know if I'm having a boy or a girl?
A: Sex is determined at the moment of fertilization, but you won't find out the baby's sex until about 14 more weeks.

Q: Why do I have a heightened sense of smell during pregnancy?
A: Hormonal changes during pregnancy, such as estrogen and hCG, can magnify your sense of smell.

Q: Can I take a pregnancy test at 3 weeks?
A: It can take a week or more after you miss your period before enough pregnancy hormones are detectable on a test.

Q: How can I increase my iron absorption during pregnancy?
A: Adding vitamin C-laden foods to iron-rich fare can increase your body's absorption of iron.

Q: Should I avoid hair coloring during pregnancy?
A: It's generally recommended to wait until the second trimester for hair color touch-ups and opt for gentler coloring options.